
3 Best Ways to Backup and Manage Photos on Your Phone

If you happen to be a parent of a newborn baby, you’ll most likely never have enough storage space because of all the adorable and memorable moments you can’t help but capture. It doesn’t matter if you have 16GB, 64GB, or 128GB of storage on your phone, it’s only a matter of time before your phone starts telling you that it’s running out of storage space.


Fortunately, this is 2017. So you can be sure that there are great ways to manage your phone storage without risk losing any of your precious photos. Let’s take a look at 3 of the best methods you can use to manage and backup photos on your phone.


1) Save your pictures and videos using cloud service

You probably used cloud services such as video streaming and various social network before. As people progress toward storing data on the cloud to access their data from anywhere, less and less data is saved locally on people’s devices. Cloud storage has become a convenient and reliable way for people to store just about anything.


You can easily use cloud storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox to backup your photos and files. Apps such as Google Photos are great for backing up photos taken directly on your phone without too much compression. These cloud storage services are free and easy to use. Although there is a limit on how much storage you can use for free, there should be enough free space for you to use before deciding whether or not you should pay to get more storage.


2) Print out actual photos from your phone

You are probably thinking, what? How is this a feasible solution? How many pictures would need to be printed out and how much of a hassle that would be like.

Many people are unaware of the fact that you can print out photos from your smartphone very easily today. You can download free Apps that lets you print out an entire photo album by selecting pictures directly from your phone. Making your own photo album an interesting way to organize your photo library. Plus, there is nothing like holding a physical copy of your most memorable pictures, especially when each high quality photo only costs a few cents.


For more on printing photos on your phone, check out our other article: Why you should print out physical copies of your photos.


3) Backup your photos onto your hard drive

Backing up photos from your phone to a computer is super simple. It’s also extremely effective because storage on a computer is much cheaper than on a smartphone. You can easily get 2TB(2000GB) of storage space on a hard drive for less than $70.


For Android devices, simply connect your smartphone to your computer with an USB cable and start the backup process. It’s extremely fool proof because all you have to do is drag the desired photos or photos from your phone to your computer. For iOS devices, you can refer to this guide for instructions on how to transfer photos from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to your Mac or PC.


Conclusion: Its easy, always remember to backup your files

If you don’t backup your photos and files, you risk losing everything when your phone breaks or when you, for any reason, lose your phone. With all of the above methods, although you still have to manually delete your pictures on your phone, you can be sure that your photos are safe and can be accessed with ease.

So what do you think is the best way to manage photos in your phone? Let us know in the comments below!